Divetalking seeking Editors Worldwide

Have you ever thought about writing and editing? Are you looking for a position that will allow you to control what is posted on a renowned Internet site devoted to marine awareness and all things related to it?
Divetalking is looking for talented individuals that can devote a few hours a day to post interesting articles on such subjects as diving, photography, travel, news, events and more. All that is needed are a love for the ocean and all things living in it, our environment, diving, photography, a skill for locating, capturing and editing news and events to post on Divetalking.com
If you feel this is something you would be interested in experiencing and can devote a few hours a day to, then this could be the rewarding and educational experience you have been looking for.
If interested, please write lars2923@divetalking.com and include a brief on why you believe this is the right …

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